There are currently 2 RED cameras which record gyro data internally: V-Raptor and KOMODO
RED cameras record motion data internally in the .R3D files and Gyroflow supports these files directly.
Supported models
RED V-Raptor
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Gyro data is recorded only in the .R3D file format.
ProRes (.mov) doesn't include the gyro data.
RED RAW playback
Gyroflow supports loading .R3D files directly in the main app, so there's no need for transcoding. That feature was kindly sponsored by the community.
Project frame rate
If you shoot in a VFR mode (e.g. 120 fps stored as 30 fps file, slowed down), then Gyroflow will detect that and the load correct frame rate from the metadata automatically.
Exporting directly from Gyroflow when using an .R3D file is supported, but it uses an intermediate conversion step and needs REDline (available with the REDCINE-X installation) to convert R3D to ProRes before stabilizing.
Basically when you click Export Gyroflow will call REDline program to convert R3D to ProRes behind the scenes and then it will use that converted ProRes to actually perform the stabilization and final export to desired output format. This also works in the render queue.
You can control the format of that intermedia file in the Advanced tab:
The ProRes format used for the conversion is not related to the actual Export settings.
For example if you use ProRes proxy for the intermediate file and then set ProRes 4444 in the main export settings, your quality will be ruined, because it will take pixels from that Proxy file.
Make sure you have set both ProRes formats correctly. You can also export H.264, H.265 or any other format for the stabilized file, but the intermediate file can only be ProRes.
The ProRes file is always created next to the original .R3D file with the .mov extension. If that file already exists, the conversion step is skipped. This is convenient when trying different stabilization settings or different trim range exports, but keep in mind that if you want to change colors (e.g. you converted once with and then want to switch to fully graded, you'll have to delete that .mov file and let Gyroflow convert it again with your new settings. If that file is corrupted it will also show an error so keep that in mind.
Remember to delete the intermediate .mov file when you change the conversion format settings.
While that works, it is recommended to use one of the video editor plugins to render out from your video editor.
There are plans to rewrite the rendering pipeline to allow exporting ProRes directly from .R3D in Gyroflow, but it will take at least several months.
Using the plugin is the best option anyway because you then have all RAW color controls without compromises. Learn more here:
Lens metadata
Gyroflow will also read lens name and focal length from the .R3D file if it's provided by the camera. This allows it to autofill all the needed settings in the lens calibrator and to uniquely identify the lens profile to load it automatically.
If the lens name is not provided by the camera, you can edit the metadata in REDCINE-X and Gyroflow will also read it from there (it is stored in the .RMD file).
Gyro bias
Estimating gyro bias can help achieve better stabilization results. To estimate the bias, you'll need to have a moment in your video where the camera is not moving at all. In the FPV case it can be before take off.
To estimate gyro bias, go to the moment where the camera is not moving, right click on the timeline and select Estimate gyro bias here. Then remove all sync points and do the synchronization again.
Shutter speed, ND filters and motion blur
You should avoid motion blur when recording if you want to stabilize in post, read more why in the πΈ Common filming tips and issues.
Last updated